Where should I start, when the kids woke up at 5:30 am, when I burned my thumb, or when I threw away Shelby's Student ID card? I guess I will just start at what I believe is the beginning of the season. This is the "stocking tree" I was fortunate to get from Raley's so long ago. It was used as a display for ornaments and I saved it just as it was going to be thrown in a dumpster. I just love having my stocking tree because I think it is a unique idea. A few years after John and I were married we didn't want to bother with a tree (I know... bah humbug) so we just used this tree. It's a little Charlie Brownish and I'll have it forever.

Next, we went to the tree lot and choose this cute 6 foot tree. In the past we have had trees that are nine feet but I opted for a little smaller this year. It was absolutely perfect.

This is my Mom's angel. I begged her for it because she wasn't having a tree this year and I said my tree has never been the same without it. My Grandma made it, so I grew up having this angel on my tree. It really was a nice addition.

Every year since I was born my Mom gave me an ornament that had to do with something I like or was into from that year. I have continued this tradition with Shelby and Brandon and found these adorable Precious Moments ornaments this year. Shelbys is a collector of Cinderella and her Prince.

Brandon's is a cute little boy holding his blanket and sock monkey. I couldn't resist since he says his blankie is his best friend.

Now it is actually Christmas morning and boy did Santa deliver, that guy is amazing. Shelby received her Pink Princess Vanity with her favorite princesses and even got princess perfume.

She was just a little excited Santa gave her a wallet filled with money.

Then we have the five hundred army men. That's right, I said 500, 250 green and 250 tan, with a pump tank and jeap for each side. THIS MEANS WAR.

Brandon is ready for battle. Luckily Santa brought the tote to keep the army men indise of otherwise I would be stepping on them all day and night.

This was an amazing Christmas. I am sorry it took me so long to post about our adventures, but this year I'm trying to have a little more fun.
1 comment:
How fun! I love your stocking tree -- that is so cool! Santa was good to Shelby and Brandon -- such sweet pictures! So glad you had a good Christmas :)
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