Tuesday, May 25, 2010

My Little Man

This picture got put out of order...but who cares, at least I'm posting.

Last weekend Brandon graduated from preschool! He was very excited and had been talking about it for two weeks. So when Saturday morning came I was picking out his clothes for him. I held up three button and collar shirts for him to choose from and he told me he did didn't think any of them were his most handsome clothes...so...he insisted on wearing his suit. How could I argue? He looked so stinkin' cute.

Future Attorney...just like Grandpa.

Daddy, surprised him with a bunch of balloons. Great idea Dad!

Of couse, Shelby had to get all dressed up for this special occassion. My little Diva. :)

Someone sure is proud of himself...and so are we!

A swimming instructor? Okay