Sunday, June 29, 2008

Someone's Turning Five!

This is birthday party week around this place. Shelby is turning Five on Tuesday and is so excited. We had a small party yesterday and I made these ice cream cone cupcakes. I was so happy with the way they turned out. Parties are a lot of work, but I love doing it.

For those who want to give it a try.

Use a box cake mix, and make according to the directions.
Fill muffin cups 2/3 full
Add the cone to the top, just pressing it slightly into the cake mix.
Bake 15-20 minutes.
Wait 30 minutes to frost.
(Next time I want to try to squeeze ice cream into the bottom of the cones) Yummy.

More to come throughtout the Birthday week.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

A Fun Filled Weekend

Sometimes everything needs to be set aside and you just need to have a good time with friends. For once in our lifetime we didn't make a plan, we just enjoyed ourselves and spent time with people we don't get to see that often.

As Brandon will tell you, this sort of lifestyle is exhausting!

I finsihed the weekend by letting Shelby get her ears pierced, she is almost 5 years old you know. We also had her hair done, what excitement, I will not be able to top this weekend for a while.