Thursday, March 11, 2010

Questions and Laughter

While I love everything about the kids...except maybe the piles and absolute favorite thing about them is they make me laugh all the time.

Today's question from Brandon shoortly after waking up this morning was, " Mom, are ladybugs boys or girls." I told him that they could be either. So his response was, "So, how can you tell?" I really didn't have an answer, because I've never really thought about the gender of ladybugs before. So I told him we can't tell.

I guess that answer is good enough for now. I love how my sweet little boys mind is constantly working and wondering about the world. I hope he continues to have that inquisitive nature for the rest of his life and I hope he keeps making me laugh for the rest of mine.

Boy or Girl? .......good question, after all, they are called ladys.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Enjoying the Family

I must be the worst blogger ever. I just never seem to find the time to post. Life isn't that crazy right now, so I'm just trying to enjoy all the moments.

Last weekend we took advantage of the sunshine and went miniture golfing. I used to love this as a kid and frankly I still do. It was the first time for Shelby and Brandon and it was amazing.

Brandon said the best part of golfing was after you're done you get to play games (we let them go into the arcade afterwords).

Here are a few pictures from our fun day.