This is the time of year that I start planning for the Birthday parties in July. Last year I make ice cream cone cupcakes and they turned out great, but it seemed like I could do better. I couldn't pass up this Giant Cupcake Pan made by Wilton. They retail for around $30, but if you watch sales and have coupons you can get it for around $15.

This was my trial run with the cupcake pan. The cake was great, the decorating less desirable. I'm going to need a little more practice before I can serve one of these.

And this is the ice cream cone molded cupcake pan I found at This magazine has all kinds of random items for really great prices. These I have to say turned out really good. It was a lot better than having a cupcake shoved into a stale baked cone.

Shelby told me I diod a great job on all the cakes. She's so sweet, or maybe she just wanted some cake :-)
Cake is cake -- always tasty, right?! I think they turned out cute and you should have fun practicing!! :)
Those are just fantabulous! I am drooling. . . .
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