Well as it turns out April Fools day pranks are a really, really, really bad idea. I'm a typical joker and like to play the occasional prank but they have never gone this far....................
The day started like any other day. I got up, dressed, made school lunches, got the kids ready for school, and we headed out the door. As I dropped them off at school I realized when siging in that today was April 1st, it was April Fools Day! I told the kids goodbye and said "I'm going to have to call Daddy and prank him for April Fools". Whoops, this was a really, really, really bad idea.
I started thinking of things I could say. I thought about being sick, pregnant, in a car accident, but I really didn't want to jinx myself. So I went with this one...that was a really, really, really bad idea.
I called the store and asked for John:
John: This is Raley's can I help you.
Me: Hey, I'm at home and I have a flat tire and AAA is here to fix it but I can't find my AAA card so I need you to come home and show them yours, because I need to get to work.......
John: Okay, I'm leaving right now. CLICK
Me: WAIT, April Fools!!! JOHNNNNNNNN (Oh @#$%)
I called the store back immediately and you know what?....Yep it was too late, he was already on his way. (Oh @#$%) There was nothing I could do, except feel really awful.
I tried to think of ways to stop him, but there were none. He doesn't carry a cell phone with him. My Mom didn't answer her phone, I was going to ask her for help. There was absolutely nothing I could do. :(
I hoped and prayed all the way to work that he was just pranking me back and hadn't really left the store, but unfortunately that was not the case.
So as you can see this was a really, really, really bad idea. I feel absolutely awful and John got in trouble for leaving work.
Ever have one of those days that you wish you could just start over? Well this is one of them. I just made a Fool out of myself and my husband.
Think before you prank... I should have gone with the pregnancy.
1 month ago
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