This post involves the inquisitive nature of my very intelligent 8 year-old and it's something I never would have considered in my own childhood.
A couple days ago Shelby came to me holding a small map that came with her American Girl doll for Christmas.
She looked at me with her eyebrowns dipped down and said "Does Santa have a workshop in China?"
I was a bit perplexed and she said, "See...right here, it says 'Made in China'."
Yes, it very well did say "Made in China" and it's a good thing I'm a quick thinker, because I took that map right out of her hand and brought it to eye level. "You're right, it does say 'Made in China'. Of my gosh, you must be right. I bet Santa has a workshop there so he can pick up more toys, because he can't fit everything on the sleigh coming from the Northpole."
We then discussed maybe he has even more workshops around the world and she ran off to check out more toys in her room.
Being a parent does have some interesting challenges and some I would have never even dreamt of.
I love Shelby for so many reasons and love that she make me smile and laugh while she's figuring this world out.
1 month ago