Well that's one heck of a question. Is it bad when you cannot remember the password to your blog? Oh well, I'm here now.
Some things we've been up to:
I finally completed all of my DNA training at work. What does this mean? We'll it means I'm never going to run out of work. It means I get to perform body fluid identification, DNA analysis, and testify in court to my findings. The last part makes me a little nervous, but I'll have to just get over it.
Brandon is in T-ball this year. He's on the A's which made John very happy. I think Brandon has worn his hat everyday since cap-night, even with his pajamas. It's all about the hat.
Last night both of the kids performed in the school Talent Show, it was absolutely adorable. Shelby sang and Brandon told a joke (he was the only Kid from Kindergarten).
This morning the kids were looking all around the house to see if a Leprechaun had stopped by. They were telling me one must have and that a bunch of items with green had been moved around the house. I continued to put my make-up on and Brandon realized I wasn't quite interested.
Brandon "What's the matter you don't like Leprechauns?"
Me "Not really."
Brandon "Don't you realize if we find his gold we'll be rich!"
Me "Well in that case you better just keep on looking."
He was so serious. Who am I to say a Leprechaun didn't leave Gold in our house, I sure hope they find it.
This weekend I want to relax and enjoy my time with the kids. It seems like Shelby has had work to finish from class the last three weekends. This week I told her to not bring any home. I think her teacher thought I was crazy, I just want my little girl to have a break.
That's all for now.
1 month ago