The main project was to make thank you books for all the teachers, yes all 45 teachers. Anna luckily helped me figure out how to accomplish this project without spending a lot of money and going crazy. I took her ideas and fit them for my project.
My supplies:
-Colored paper cut in half (please use a paper cutter and do not cut all 1000 pages by hand like I did)
-Scissors, Ruler, Hole Punch (again all punched by hand, Anna recommends drilling the holes, but I was too scared to do it. I thought the pages would disintegrate).
-Twine for binding, which worked really well. (The pencil was to hold the holes open).

For now, I have been elected the Secretary for the PTO and will attempt to keep the rest at a minimum. ( Really, how much can one person do?)
Thanks to Anna for all her inspiration, I will probably look to her in the future for more project ideas.